Okay guys, this is awesome!!!
Sara represents the following genres: young adult, middle grade, romance, science fiction & fantasy.
Sara Megibow, Associate Literary Agent
Nelson Literary Agency, LLC
Sara has worked at the Nelson Literary Agency since 2006. As the Associate Literary Agent, Sara is actively acquiring new clients! The Nelson Literary Agency specializes in representing young adult and middle grade fiction, romance (all genres except category and inspirational), science fiction and fantasy, commercial and women’s fiction (including chick lit) and high concept literary fiction. Nelson Literary Agency is a member of AAR, RWA, SFWA and SCBWI. Please visit our website http://www.nelsonagency.com/ for submission guidelines, and feel free to visit Sara’s Publisher’s Marketplace site (www.publishersmarketplace.com/members/SaraMegibow) to learn more about her personal tastes and recent sales.
ReplyDelete$75 josephlselby(at)gmail(dot)com
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$150 josephlselby(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDelete$165 lgkelso(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDelete$175 josephlselby(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDelete$ 200 lgkelso@hotmail.com
$ 230
ReplyDeletejune (at) writingisablessing (dot) com
$352 lgkelso@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletejune (at) writingisablessing (dot) com
ReplyDeleteOops $430 lgkelso@hotmail.com
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ReplyDeleteBidding is closed!
ReplyDeleteWhile I would LOVE to accept the current high bid, our bidding closed at 8pm CST. In order to keep things fair and go by the rules we've posted, the winning bidder will be Kelso with a bid of $352
Check back since we will be having another listing for a Junior Agent and Agent in future auctions